This morning, I had the most ordinary of all in-house accidents: I sliped in the shower. I still don't know why, but suddenly the water temperature changed from comfortable to boiling hot and steaming water poured down from the shower head. In pain, I treid to avoid this hell like rain and moved my body away from the source of all evil a tiny little bit too hasty - slipped - tried to grab a hold at the shower curtain which fell down with a loud "wshhhhh" as if an angels wing had striken me - and buried my naked, wet body under its plastic banner on the ground of the bath tub.
It must have looked quite funny and lying down there I thought about where the hidden camera might be, but there was none and since I experienced it from the first person perspective (and actually hurt my knee), I did not feel like laughing
Donnerstag, 17. September 2009
Freitag, 24. April 2009
Montag, 23. Februar 2009
Montag, 9. Februar 2009
back to the roots & colour is the new black
my latest shopping trips made me reconsider the original purpose of this blog, as it was created in the wake of my fashion blog addiction. The addiction is overcome by now, but I would like to give fashion more space in my life and this is a first attempt.
By browsing through my wardrobe, I discovered that I have way too much black clothes. Which results from the necessity of the traveller to wash everything together and give preference to darker colours because you do not see he stains so much. But, it gets boring. On a shopping trip in Sydney I discovered this lovely dress, and opposed to all my former commitments, it is pink and I love it!

so, my resolution: do not buy any more black clothes!
see what happens...
By browsing through my wardrobe, I discovered that I have way too much black clothes. Which results from the necessity of the traveller to wash everything together and give preference to darker colours because you do not see he stains so much. But, it gets boring. On a shopping trip in Sydney I discovered this lovely dress, and opposed to all my former commitments, it is pink and I love it!

so, my resolution: do not buy any more black clothes!
see what happens...
Donnerstag, 5. Februar 2009
art vs. design
«Art is like masturbation. It is selfish and introverted and done for you and you alone. Design is like sex. There is someone else involved, their needs are just as important as your own, and if everything goes right, both parties are happy in the end.»
– Colin Wright –
– Colin Wright –
Freitag, 23. Januar 2009
Samstag, 17. Januar 2009
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